What’s Next for LGBTQ

What’s Next for LGBTQ

By   |  Nov. 2, 2014

John B. Cobb, Jr., founding Chair of Pando Populus, is keynoting an important event on November 9 about the intersection of LGBTQ liberation and the Earth.  The event is sponsored by the Gay Elders Circle, the Metropolitan Community Church, and Pando Populus.  It is one in a number of events happening across Southern California leading up to the June, 2015 conference.

The recent progress for LGBTQ justice we’ve seen in such matters as marriage equality shows the power of an idea whose time has come and gives hope that change on deeply felt issues can sweep the country with stunning speed — from coast to coast and in between.

But as the LGBTQ community celebrates recent gains, an obvious question is, What comes next?  Is the freedom to consume wedding products and services alongside the straight community freedom enough?  Or does hard-fought justice at the individual level help lay the foundation for LGBTQ involvement on behalf of the planet?

If there is a connection between running roughshod over sexual energies and running roughshod over the energies of the Earth, might a healthier position on the one will now translate into a healthier position on the other?  Might we expect the LGBTQ community to start to turn more of its energies to the goal of creating a thriving biosphere?  If so, what would be its unique contribution to the task?

Dr. Cobb will explore issues like these in a free public lecture and participate in Q&A with a panel of community leaders.

November 9, 4:30-6:30, Founders Metropolitan Community Church of Los Angeles, 4607 Prospect Avenue, East Hollywood (near Vermont Ave and Hollywood Blvd).



Members of the Pando writing team include Rich Binell, Alexi Caracotsios, Amy Goldberg, Rebecca Schmitt, and Eugene Shirley.

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