Body, Spirit, Ecofeminism, Wholeness, Sexuality, Mysticism, Extraordinary Experiences
An ecological civilization would put body, mind, and spirit back together again and encourage re-thinking everything from this perspective.
Conference content (selected)
- Bob Ireland, “Dimensions of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder”
- AUDIO: Rolland Baker, “My Experience of God in Africa”; Randy Clark, “A Holistic Healing: Case Study”
- AUDIO: “Holistic Asian Medicine and Mental Disorders”
- AUDIO: Elizabeth Rice, Traca Gress, Chuck Hamilton: “Insight Meditation: Buddhist Ecology and Climate Change”
- AUDIO: Brock Perry and Jake Erickson, “Sexual Identities and Ecopolitics”
- AUDIO: Kwazi Nkrumah, “Bodies Count”
- VIDEO: John Palmer, “Parapsychology”
- VIDEO: Gianluigi Gugliermetto, “Rethinking Sexuality”