Civilization and Its Effects, Alienation, Enlightenment, Industrialization
One of the strangest assumptions civilized humans make about nature is that we are somehow above it all. At issue for an ecological civilization, then, are different fundamental ideas about the nature of the world we inhabit.
In the News
- The Genius of Birds
- Michael Pollan, “The Intelligent Plant”
- Tim Flannery, “The Amazing Inner Lives of Animals”
- Randy Laist, “Why I Identify as Mammal”
Conference content (selected)
- AUDIO: Jane Douglass, “How Did the Englightenment Arise?”
- AUDIO: Richard Tarnas and Brian Thomas Swimme, “Radical Mythospeculation”
- AUDIO: Matthew D. Segall, “Religion in Human and Cosmic Evolution”
- AUDIO: Darcia Narvaez., “The Impact of Cvilization on the Human Psyche”
- AUDIO: David Roy, “Human Exceptionalism”