Pando Days Hosts’ Page
The Pando Days premiere roll-outs are classic hosted events, with the role of the host being to bring coherence, make the key introductions, illuminate where needed, etc. It is also a chance for our audience to be introduced to the Pando board. Hosts don’t need to be concerned with any of the Zoom meeting mechanics.
The purpose of the premiere roll-out events is to showcase the work of any given school and provide a forum for questions from sustainability officers and the public. The purpose of the question period is to help better illuminate a project and its importance.
The events are recorded and will live on our website along with individual school/project deliverables. Judges most likely will not view the presentations live, but will only see the recordings.
Eugene will come on first and give a very brief introduction to Pando Days, Pando Populus, and introduce you. (1 min.)
Following that, please take 2-3 min. to:
–Connect with the challenges we face today, and how these challenges underscore the importance of Pando Days and what the schools are doing. You might want to call out something special about the initiative, such as: that it emphasizes both social justice and the environment; that it galvanizes young people and the most creative people in the County; that projects were finished under lockdown conditions, etc. — as you think.
–Then you need to say what each school was asked to do: 1) select one of the LA County sustainability goals, 2) brainstorm broadly, 3) come up with innovative solutions and plans, and 4) create specific plans to implement the goal with specific plans for an initiative or campaign, along with supportive collateral to demonstrate how it might be done.
–Then you’ll want to introduce the 1) school, 2) the goal they are addressing, and 3) give a thumbnail description of the project. You will then want to introduce the Team Lead who will take over the presentation.
All of this information is pasted in down below. You may find the schools/projects page here.
At this point, the Team Lead takes over and gives the project presentation.
After the presentation:
HOST: Thank you for your presentation. I was impressed by [this is your chance to make an observation or two: 1-2 min.].
HOST: To broaden our perspective, we’re joined by members of the Chief Sustainability Officer Strategic Taskforce for LA County and they have observations and questions.
INTRODUCE in turn each of the CSO respondents, by name and institutional affiliation. (Find the CSOs who are part of the premiere presentation you’re hosting here.)
FOLLOWING the last of the CSO respondents’ questions:
Adam Eeuwens moderates the public Q&A.
At 10 min. to the hour, Adam signals Q&A is over and defers to Host.
HOST makes final observations. Thanks: school team, CSOs, audience. Passes baton back to Eugene.
EUGENE teases next premiere roll-out event.