AI: FUTURE OF HOUSING | SCI-Arc | County goal # 3: “Equitable and sustainable land use and development without displacement.”

AI: FUTURE OF HOUSING proposes two big questions: “What is the future of housing in Los Angeles?” and “How can artificial intelligence address LA’s housing crisis?” In response, it offers a system, prototyped in four speculative design proposals and algorithms, that uses artificial intelligence to develop affordable housing solutions, analyze the suitability of LA County sites for equitable housing projects, and recommends tailor-made design and construction techniques that support equity, sustainability, and affordability.

The initiative is based on research into policy, economic, and other factors that the technology should take into account. The four design proposals and algorithms it uses employ AI and robotics to address a wide variety of complex issues, including new models for accessory dwelling unit (ADU) ownership, strategic construction on steep sites, re-purposing of brownfield sites, and co-housing for people with disabilities. Taken as a whole, the initiative presents a near future for Los Angeles where AI and new technologies are robust tools in the fight for housing equity.

Team: Casey Rehm, professor; Mimi Zeiger, professor. iLIVE Team: Soledad Chamorro; Hari Deshpande; Philip Hood; Isabel Socorro. House.LA Team: Luke Falcone; Zihan Gao; Sadvi Jayanth; Amanda Kotch. Infrastructure Prosthetic Team: Lourenço Delgado; Philippe Maman; Yash Mehta; Julia Pike. ACT Team: Jules Benillouche; Jennifer Rufener; Andrew Stone; Leo Wan. Pando expert: Bill Margolis.

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#machinelearning #neuralnetworks #AI #affordablehousing #AIhousing

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