CAR SICK: Getting us on track for life without cars | USC
Iovine and Young Academy for Arts, Technology and the Business of Innovation, in association with verynice | LA COUNTY GOAL # 8: “A convenient, safe, clean, and affordable transportation system that enhances mobility and quality of life while reducing car dependency.”
CAR SICK gets the public to rethink their reliance on cars and become inspired through fun and games to commit to a future with far less dependence on private, gas guzzling vehicles. The project is based on a unique method for helping people generate alternative futures — in this case, to think beyond current freeway infrastructure.
Team: Matthew Manos, professor; Katie Manos; Austin Bauer; Ashley Pakzaban; Andrew Hulin; Stephanie Ng.
Premiere Presentation
Presentation Materials
#carsick #designfutures #nofreeway
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