University of Southern California presents
Test Plot: Green Ravine
An ongoing hands-on experiment in community-based ecological restoration.
Twenty-two miles off the coast of California, Catalina Island’s Green Ravine is getting a makeover with the aim of restoring the site’s natural habitat. Located at the University’s Wrigley Institute, this project is part of USC’s ongoing Test Plot program. This is the second year that Test Plot has been a part of Pando Days, winning a 2022 Pando Award for their community land care project at Elephant Hill. In 2023, Catalina’s Green Ravine is the focus. Steeped in research and grounded through field studies, the team engaged in hands-on activities such as stormwater monitoring, invasive species removal, weed suppression, and the planting and maintenance of new native plants. Test Plot: Green Ravine demonstrates how transitioning institutional landscapes to more sustainable native plants provides an opportunity to advance climate and ecological resilience and shows how ongoing community involvement can enhance innovative models of private land stewardship and land conservation.
Faculty Lead:
Alexander Robinson
Paige Buckner, Kavya Gudihal, Olivia Heffernan, Michele Heilman, Tiffany Mai, Muna Obiefule, Nicole Summerfield, Quinn Wilbert
Collaborating Partners:
Catalina Conservancy, TEST PLOT, Conservation Corps of Long Beach, USC Landscape Architecture + Urbanism Program, USC School of Architecture, USC Wrigley Institute for Environment and Sustainability, USC Wrigley Marine Science Center, USC Environmental Studies Program, Lauren Oudin, USC Wrigley Marine Science Center, Cayman Lanzione, Catalina Conservancy, Jen Toy, TEST PLOT, Adjunct USC School of Architecture, Scott Applebaum & Andres Sanchez, USC Environmental Studies Program, Jeremy Joo, USC TEST PLOT intern, Nicholas Neumann, USC Wrigley Institute Photographer, Rio Asch Phoenix, TEST PLOT Photographer
Aligned LA County Sustainability Plan Goals:
Goal 5: Thriving ecosystems, habitats, and biodiversity. Goal 12: A commitment to realize OurCounty sustainability goals through creative, equitable, and coordinated funding and partnerships.
Premiere Segment
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