Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Jain, Sikh, Buddhism, Confucianism, Indigenous Traditions, Greek Philosophy
Religion & Spirituality
Religions at their best embody a bid for “world loyalty,” to use Alfred North Whitehead’s insightful phrase. They are opposed to sectarianism, nationalism, or escapism. Without world loyalty there is little possibility of establishing ecological civilization.
Western Religion
In the News
- “Pope Francis: The Cry of the Earth”
- Herman Daly, “Thoughts on Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’”
- “Francis Makes Rousing Call for Millennials to Get off Couch and Fix World”
- “Theo-Photo-Urban-Nature”
- Bill McKibben, “The Pope and the Planet”
Conference content (selected)
- Rick Clugston, “The Importance of the World’s Religions for the Earth”
- David Lull, “Reading the Bible for the Sake of the World”
- AUDIO: “We Need More Heretics”
- AUDIO: Brad Artson, “Process Thought, Judaism and Ecology, and Response to Artson”
- AUDIO: William Hamrick, “Meaning And Nature: God and the World”
- AUDIO: Hans-Joachim Sander, “Why the Catholic Church Needs Process Theology to Survive in a Troubled World”
- VIDEO: Bo Sanders, “Composting Christendom: Following Furiosa: Church at the End of the World”
- VIDEO: Brian McLaren et al., “Introduction to ‘A New Way for a New Day’”
- VIDEO: Austin Roberts, “Whitehead’s Alternative: The New Realism, Eco-Theology and Planetary Politics”
- VIDEO: Lisa Gasson, “A Post-Evangelical Narrative”
Eastern Spirituality and Indigenous Traditions
In the News
- Paul O. Ingram, “Daoist-Buddhist-Christian Dialogue: A Reflection on Environmental Destruction”
- VIDEO: Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grimm, “Confucianism and Ecology”
Conference content (selected)
- AUDIO: Dong Li, “Comparative Study of Taoism and Whitehead”
- AUDIO: Paolo D. Farah, “Ecological Civilization in China”
- AUDIO: Chris Daniels, “Process Thought and Indigenous Worldviews”
- AUDIO: Danny Blackgoat, “Living in 2 Worlds: Traditional Diné & the Dominate Society”
- VIDEO: Nancy Howell, “Great Apes and Wisdom: Trading Anthropocentrism for Animalcentric Anthropomorphism”
- VIDEO: Fred “Coyote” Downey, “What It Means to Be Human from the Perspective of a Native American Elder”
- VIDEO: Bill Pfeiffer, “Remembering and Practicing Indigenous Culture”
- VIDEO: Chris Daniels and Jaki Daniels, “Becoming Indigenous: Moving from a Western to Relational Worldview”