“I’d put my money on the sun and solar energy. What a source of power! I hope we don’t have to wait ’til oil and coal run out before we tackle that.” – Thomas Edison
ENERGY RESOURCES. Stay connected to clean energy developments. California is leading the way forward.
- California Center for Sustainable Communities at UCLA has launched its new LA Energy Atlas. This interactive website maps energy use data across LA County at the neighborhood, city and county scale across a range of indicators, including building type and age.
- National Renewable Energy Lab has issued a report by Pieter Gagnon, et al, entitled, “Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic Technical Potential in the US: A Detailed Assessment.” This report quantifies the technical potential of PV systems deployed on rooftops in the continental US, estimating how much energy could be generated by installing PV on all suitable roofs. The results do not exclude systems based on their economic performance, and thus they provide an upper bound on potential deployment rather than a prediction of actual deployment. Although methods have been developed to estimate rooftop PV technical potential at the individual building level, previous estimates at the regional and national levels have lacked a rigorous foundation in geospatial data and statistical analysis. This report helps fill this gap by providing a detailed data-driven analysis of U.S. (national, state, and ZIP-code level) rooftop PV availability and technical electricity-generation potential.
- Are you an Edison customer? If so, you will receive a California Climate Credit in your bill, thanks to the California Public Utilities Commission. Throughout the state, all customers of investor owned utilities (Edison, SDG&E, PG&E) will receive these credits twice a year, in April/May and October/November. This payment comes from a California program that is fighting climate change. Your Climate Credit is designed to help you join in these efforts. You can use the bill savings from your Climate Credit however you choose, but you can save even more money by investing the savings in energy-saving home upgrades, including more efficient lights and appliances.
- The State of California offers rebates for solar energy through the California Solar Initiative.
- Proposition 39 allocates roughly $550 Million annually to improve energy efficiency and expand clean energy generation in schools. See the Proposition 39 FAQ page for more information.
- Concerned about fracking? NRDC has examined the issue carefully and has outlined some thoughtful and effective approaches communities can take to organize and stand up to big polluters. Find out where fracking is happening in California at CAFrackFacts.org.