Woodbury University

Woodbury University | Mobile Cooling Rooms of Los Angeles: Mobile cooling walls employ an ancient technology in a modern application. | Goal 2: Buildings and infrastructure that support human health and resilience

This project develops a functioning prototype of a cooling wall system by adapting the ancient technology of evaporative cooling through permeable ceramic structures and modern fabrication techniques. Extreme heat is radically changing the environment of Los Angeles and its streets. With the effects of climate change, urban heat is unevenly distributed across the city’s population and the homeless are most at risk from heat related illness and death. Mobile cooling walls create urban “cooling rooms” – semi-open exterior spaces to provide shelter, shade and respite from the heat.

Team: Berenika Boberska professor; Richard Grosjean; Hitisha Kaloila; Ruben Manopla

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How might we develop a space to serve the needs of the homeless inhabiting Skid Row, one of our most vulnerable communities in the County? Learn more.

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