Cal State University Long Beach | Systems Approach: A solution for local transportation with global impact. | Goal 7B: Create a zero-emission transportation system. | Goal 8A: A convenient, safe, clean, and affordable transportation system that enhances mobility and quality of life while reducing car dependency.| Goal 11: Inclusive, transparent, and accountable governance that encourages participation in sustainability efforts, especially by disempowered communities.
This is a systems design project focused on community engagement and education targeting clean transportation. Our approach includes digital mobile and local partnership outreach and deploys a working prototype in Cudahy. As we transition to clean transportation, mobilization of at-risk communities is a critical factor. Our design for a clean technology transportation system combined with community education on sustainability technologies serves as a template to mitigate the pollution burden of low-income cities.
Team: Heather Barker, Assoc. Professor; Krai Charuwatsuntorn, Professor; Parisa Asayesh; Rauel Garza; Narges Goshayeshisafa; Klarissa Hernandez; Parmiss Jamshidabadi; Zexin (Brent) Li; Kelby Sandvick; Michael Shatto; Alison Yanacek
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C-NECT (110 MB)
LA COUNTY CATEGORY: Transportation
How might we engage more effectively with grassroots communities on matters related to electric vehicle use? Learn more.
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