Cal State University Northridge | Open Garden: Download App. Unlock Gardens. Reimagine equitable foodscapes in Pomona. | Goal 10: A sustainable and just food system that enhances access to affordable, local, and healthy food
Open Garden (OG) maps food access in Pomona and addresses the pressing need of food insecurity. OG’s digital platform connects community gardens, farms and other key components of LA’s food system through open-access, geolocated data. By developing new mapping tools shaped to service the needs of a targeted five square mile area in Pomona, we identify geographic relationships between housing, equitable community development, biodiversity, cultural diversity and economic diversity.
Team: Natale Zappia, Associate Professor of History and Director, Institute for Sustainability; Richard Lee, Microsoft; Michael Totten, CSUN MA Student; Diane Diaz; Catherin Jimenez; Kimya Konjkav; Benjamin Lin; Bryce Moon; Neal Savage; Camillia Taher; Alex Valente; Student Interns: Emiliano Arellano; Glenn Lassiter; Roberto Ortega
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CSO CATEGORY: Open call/food
How might we help implement remaining OurCounty LA Sustainability Plan goals, especially those related to food? Learn more.
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