Section 7: TRACK 6
The Contributions of Indigenous Wisdom
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Track 6: Contributions of Indigenous Wisdom
Historically the Indigenous peoples of the world have the longest and best track record for living ecologically. This track will be exploring the alternative ways of understanding and knowledge that Indigenous people have to offer in moving all of us toward an Ecological Civilization, and how that parallels Whiteheadian process thought.
Other Tracks in this Section
- Track 1: Can Whitehead’s Cosmology Contribute to Hindu and Jain Thought?
- Track 2: Sikh Values for an Ecological Civilization
- Track 3: How Does Buddhist Nondual Process Thought Respond to the Global Crisis?
- Track 4: Confucian Thought and Whitehead
- Track 5: Thinking Independently in the Tradition of Classical Greece
- Track 7: The Contributions of Africa
Track Heads
Chris Daniels
Sessional Instructor, Indigenous Worldviews and Process Philosophy
Chris Daniels earned his Ph.D in Religious Studies from The University of Calgary in Alberta, Canada where he also resides and works as a sessional instructor. His doctoral dissertation “All My Relations: A Process-Indigenous Study in Comparative Ontology” compared Indigenous worldviews and ways-of-knowing with the process philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead.
Postings from Seizing an Alternative
Suggested Reading List
Links to Section-related books and media for pre-conference preparation include:
The Central Asian Falconry Project