Section 2: TRACK 5

Whiteheadian Philosophy of Religion

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Track 5: Whiteheadian Philosophy of Religion

This track will represent the achievement of Whiteheadian philosophy of religion and apply it to ecological civilization. It will identify Whiteheadian priorities within both APA and AAR conceptions of philosophy of religion; then addressing philosophy of religionconcerns that arise within environmental studies, bio-philosophy, environmental philosophy, environmental ethics, religion-and-ecology, eco-spirituality, and eco-theology.

Track Heads

John Quiring

Program Director for The Center for Process Studies, Claremont School of Theology

John Quiring, Ph.D has worked at The Center for Process Studies since 1983. As librarian, he compiled nearly 200 thematic bibliographies of process books and articles. As Program Director, he facilitates Center seminars and conferences, consults with visiting scholars and graduate students, and co-organizes meetings of the Society for the Study of Process Philosophies (in conjunction with the American Philosophical Association–Pacific Division). John also teaches Ethics, Introduction to Philosophy, and Philosophy of Religion at Victor Valley College.

Jea Sophia Oh

Assistant Professor of Philosophy at West Chester University of Pennsylvania

Jea Sophia Oh is Assistant Professor of Asian Philosophy and Comparative Ethics at West Chester University of Pennsylvania. She has developed comparative postcolonial ecotheology in the area of constructive theology to combine her research areas of comparative theology, process theology, environmental ethics, postcolonialism, and feminism. Her book, A Postcolonial Theology of Life: Planetarity East and West is the first approach to bridge postcolonialism and ecological theology with the use of Asian spirituality as the philosophical underpinning for the argument that all forms of Life are sacred.

Suggested Resources

Links to Section-related books and media for pre-conference preparation include:

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