Section 6: TRACK 5
Reading the Bible for the Sake of the World
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Track 5: Reading the Bible for the Sake of the World
The Bible, globally the single most influential book, has often been used in ways that are destructive of human wellbeing and the natural environment. It has also been used in very positive ways. This Track will explore how to strengthen its positive potential at this historical juncture.
Other Tracks in this Section
- Track 1: A New WAY for a New Day
- Track 2: Christian Process Theology
- Track 3: Islam and Whitehead in Dialogue
- Track 4: Reclaiming Love for Paradise Here and Now
- Track 6: Reimagining and Mobilizing Religious Traditions in Response to the Eco-Crisis
- Track 7: The Jewish Contribution to Ecological Civilization
- Track 8: The Role of Whitehead in Indigenizing Christianity
- Track 9: Thomism and Whitehead: Partners or Opponents?
- Track 10: Islamic Response to the Global Ecological Crisis
- Track 11: Can Mormonism Contribute to Ecological Civilization?
Track Heads
David Lull
Professor of New Testament, Emeritus
David J. Lull, an ordained elder in the United Methodist Church, is professor emeritus of New Testament at Wartburg Theological Seminary. Before joining the Wartburg Seminary faculty in 2000, he held positions as director of the Bible Translation and Utilization program at the National Council of Churches, executive director of the Society of Biblical Literature, associate professor of New Testament at the Yale University Divinity School, and pastor of the Port Ewen (NY) United Methodist Church. His publications in the area of Pauline studies include The Spirit in Galatia (reprinted by Wipf & Stock), and Chalice Press Commentaries for Today on Romans (with John B. Cobb, Jr.) and 1 Corinthians (with William A. Beardslee). He also co-authored (with William A. Beardslee, John B. Cobb, Jr., and others) Biblical Preaching on the Death of Jesus (reprinted by Wipf & Stock). Dr. Lull’s most recent publication is a major review essay covering more than a dozen books on “Paul and Empire” in Religious Studies Review 36/4 (2010): 251-62.
Postings from Seizing an Alternative
- David Lull’s track summary for Reading the Bible for the Sake of the World
Suggested Resources
Links to Section-related books and media for pre-conference preparation include: