Tag results for: ArtCenter


Mobilizing L.A.’s Transportation Future
Reimagining city space on a human scale, through a holistic transportation system that eliminates traffic, saves energy and provides equitable point to point access.

Upping Our Recycling Game
Designing an innovative suite of products to reduce waste and promote sustainability through durability, longevity and repurposing.

THE EMERGENCY WATER CHEST: Staying Clean When Disaster Strikes
A portable sanitizing solution for personal use during water-scarce emergencies.

THE X FOLIATE SHOWER PROJECT: When Water Is in Short Supply
Water-efficient solutions that address cleansing needs during emergencies.

FROM HERE TO THERE IN 2045: Reimagining Transportation
A bold vision to move away from a car centric culture through sustainable mobility solutions with Long Beach as a case study.

Countywide architecture and design schools take on big junk. Precursor of Pando Days.