Tag results for: Pando Grove
Pando Update: Crafting a Course to Sustainability
In 2019, we began to see the face of progress at Pando and register some success — though we have a long way to go.
December 10, 2019
/Tag results for: Pando Grove
In 2019, we began to see the face of progress at Pando and register some success — though we have a long way to go.
December 10, 2019
/Marc O’Brien offers a retrospective reflection on his recent EXPEDITION PANDO adventure.
December 7, 2019
/"This place leaves a mark on your soul." says Pando's design strategist Marc O'Brien "You take something back with you after every visit." That's why he's going back this May.
April 25, 2019
/Paul Rogers recently sat down with Utah Public Radio’s “Undisciplined” host, Matthew LaPlante, and inorganic chemist, Lisa Berreato, to weigh in on some potential connections between the Pando forest and inorganic chemistry. An interesting conversation emerged.
November 17, 2018
/The first comprehensive assessment of the Pando aspen clone by researchers Paul Rogers and Darren McAvoy reveals critical threats to this unique single-tree forest.
October 17, 2018
/I had long known that the ideology of the individualistic separate self was a delusion and in fact societal suicide, but in Pando we have a living organism to show us our alternative to a separateness which is not sustainable.
May 21, 2018
/The Pando clone embodies linkages along many vectors: roots to stems, soil to plants, birds to boles, life to death to rebirth. Our social community and the ideas spurred from within that gathering linked previously disparate entities, too.
October 27, 2017
/The “eternal rest” of which some speak would, I suspect, be hard for Vern to take.
August 28, 2017
/My mission in life is to nourish and support organizations and communities that are change-makers in the world and Pando is a perfect match.
August 7, 2017
/Pando is all about community and connection -- connection to each other, connection to the Earth, connection between all living creatures -- with a focus on the magical role trees play in our lives.
August 7, 2017
/My expectation and intention is that in this odyssey, new epiphanies will take place and that the relationships developed on the journey will bear fruit in surprising ways.
August 7, 2017
/Imagine if the Pando forest becomes a place of inspiration, education, action?
July 27, 2017
/"I've spent the past several years looking intensely at the Pando clone, trying to understand the situation, and bring people of differing backgrounds together to help this iconic forest through a difficult time. I call it Pando triage."
July 9, 2017
/It’s a unique opportunity to engage directly with a busload of diverse, creative, interesting and motivated people to actually make a dent in the universe. Plus, it’ll be a blast.
June 26, 2017
/I am a theist, and with many, I feel God’s presence most strongly in the midst of natural, and especially living, things. Pando is an extraordinarily interesting living thing, and I expect it to induce a deep sense of sacred presence.
June 20, 2017
/One thing I’ve learned through all of my work is that even the most intimate ecological knowledge will only get us so far without understanding how our individual interests are interdependent as opposed to being in conflict. That requires understanding each other, including those with whom we disagree.
April 5, 2017
/I am ancient, but afraid. I invade, but stay in place. Who am I?
February 6, 2017
/The Pando clone, like many complex natural resource issues, is ultimately a reflection of our society—of how humans function on a fragile planet.
August 9, 2016
/The breaking wave of media attention surrounding Pando is, I believe, a positive sign.
February 28, 2016
/Fourth grade students recruited State Senator Okerlund as a quaking aspen advocate and spokesperson on the senate floor and he, along with colleagues, passed Senate Bill 41 to change the state tree from the Colorado Blue Spruce to the quaking aspen – Pando, of course, being the oldest and largest example. Then the governor signed it into law.
August 3, 2015