Posts by John B. Cobb, Jr.

As this year’s event comes to a close, John Cobb’s hope is that other universities will now realize that their reluctance to help save humanity from self-destruction must be transformed into enthusiasm for actualizing their vast potential contributions.

November 20, 2020

In this far-ranging and inspirational speech for a meeting of women religious in Monrovia, CA, John Cobb discusses major influences that have shaped our current situation and the alternative vision of Pope Francis in Laudato Si’. He concludes with ways that Pando at Maryknoll might incarnate integral ecology.

July 25, 2018

In this biographical reflection John Cobb responds the following: “At what point in your life did you decide ‘enough is enough’ and put it all on the line? What was it that caused or inspired you to make the change? How did you respond?”

June 7, 2018

Pando Populus recently accepted and strengthened the idea of using the upcoming Los Angeles Olympics as an occasion to set high but not impossible goals for LA. With sincere backing from institutions and individuals I believe these goals could move LA a long way in the direction of becoming a model for an ecological civilization.

October 18, 2017

Marcus Eriksen and his friends understand the damage that can be done by plastics far better than the rest of us. But they also know that simply informing us will do little to change our behavior. If we are to be redirected away from our suicidal behavior, we must be grasped by images.

October 12, 2017

I am a theist, and with many, I feel God’s presence most strongly in the midst of natural, and especially living, things.  Pando is an extraordinarily interesting living thing, and I expect it to induce a deep sense of sacred presence.

June 20, 2017

My guess is that if you were not keeping on, at least to some degree, you would not be reading this piece. Perhaps we are all fools, but let’s think about it.

January 25, 2017

John Cobb, Jr. prepared these comments for the inaugural docent training program of the Amigos de los Rios Emerald Necklace initiative, a “necklace” of parks and green spaces populating the great watersheds of the Los Angeles region about which docents will be trained. The docent training program is developed in collaboration with Pando Hubs.

October 28, 2016

I proposed that we view Western history, after the fall of Rome, in terms of three periods distinguished by the deepest level of loyalties and the ways people understood themselves: Christianism, nationalism, and economism. Perhaps economism might now give way to “Earthism.” Let’s work for that.

July 4, 2016