Tag results for: Professional development


COUNTY GOAL: OurCountyLA plan
INNOVATION ENGINE: Identifies strategic sustainability needs, fosters collaboration, and predicts impact.

Peer-to-peer education and innovation for sustainability professionals drawn from LA County’s 88 cities.

COUNTY GOALS #5, #7, & #11
Climate Migration and Faith
Developing a communication and action plan that church leaders can use to mobilize community engagement on the challenges of climate migration.

AI: FUTURE OF HOUSING: Employing artificial intelligence to map affordable housing opportunities and match construction resources.

Bringing LA’s communities together to focus on issues raised by Pope Francis.

SALTWATER GARDENS: Innovations for the twin threats of underground saltwater incursion and food scarcity.

Blog Posts

Join Me for EXPEDITION: Pando!

"This place leaves a mark on your soul." says Pando's design strategist Marc O'Brien "You take something back with you after every visit." That's why he's going back this May.

Deposit Trash Here

What would happen if every design school brought JUNK BATTLE! to the classroom? Onto their campuses? Imagine students, primed for learning and eager to get their hands dirty, getting a first-hand look at their footprint on the world.