Tag results for: Youth
Middle School teams innovate a water-wise and power-conscious future for LA.
Tag results for: Youth
Middle School teams innovate a water-wise and power-conscious future for LA.
A middle school student showcase for their most innovative water and power sustainability solutions.
CAR SICK: Getting us on track for life without cars.
Educating the educators for LA’s great watersheds.
Magenta House - at the intersection of youth and civic engagement - is about more than sustainability.
November 6, 2021
/Matthew Manos is fascinated by the way a simple set of instructions can alter the way we see a place and our relationship to it.
November 3, 2020
/Joseph Goldstein explains why the fight for our planet is "all about the small steps forward...about getting back up despite setbacks, about consistently showing up, and about staying even when you’re discouraged," like the defense he and his peers have mounted on behalf of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness.
August 19, 2018
/John Cobb, Jr. prepared these comments for the inaugural docent training program of the Amigos de los Rios Emerald Necklace initiative, a “necklace” of parks and green spaces populating the great watersheds of the Los Angeles region about which docents will be trained. The docent training program is developed in collaboration with Pando Hubs.
October 28, 2016
/The breaking wave of media attention surrounding Pando is, I believe, a positive sign.
February 28, 2016
/Cancer and mining can suck the joy and energy right out of you.
November 16, 2015
/I have been told that many of you in this gathering are farmers. In your hands now lies the destiny of the world. I would like to speak directly to you.
October 28, 2015
/Fourth grade students recruited State Senator Okerlund as a quaking aspen advocate and spokesperson on the senate floor and he, along with colleagues, passed Senate Bill 41 to change the state tree from the Colorado Blue Spruce to the quaking aspen – Pando, of course, being the oldest and largest example. Then the governor signed it into law.
August 3, 2015