Tag results for: County Goal #9: Resources


Upping Our Recycling Game
Designing an innovative suite of products to reduce waste and promote sustainability through durability, longevity and repurposing.

FROM HERE TO THERE IN 2045: Reimagining Transportation
A bold vision to move away from a car centric culture through sustainable mobility solutions with Long Beach as a case study.

MUSHROOM LAB: Developing a Regenerative Future
Experimenting with mushrooms to expand circular and regenerative agriculture and product creation.

THE STIRLING ENGINE: A Table-top Alternative to Solar Panels
A renewable energy solution designed to augment solar panel energy production for individual home and off-the-grid use.

Countywide architecture and design schools take on big junk. Precursor of Pando Days.

COUNTY GOALS #2, #4, & #9
Design for a Sustainable Campus
Creating education modules promoting energy efficiency and water conservation – beginning with building design at community colleges.

A middle school student showcase for their most innovative water and power sustainability solutions.

Prototype to incarnate the vision of Pope Francis’s “integral ecology” at the Maryknoll Monrovia campus.

A contemplative journey along the LA River encouraging deep observation, reflection, and action on climate change.

Blog Posts

Deposit Trash Here

What would happen if every design school brought JUNK BATTLE! to the classroom? Onto their campuses? Imagine students, primed for learning and eager to get their hands dirty, getting a first-hand look at their footprint on the world.

A Reflective Response to “Junk Raft”

Marcus Eriksen and his friends understand the damage that can be done by plastics far better than the rest of us. But they also know that simply informing us will do little to change our behavior. If we are to be redirected away from our suicidal behavior, we must be grasped by images.

Eco Civilization in China

Residents and visitors breathe dark, smoggy air in the cities, and partly because the problems are so serious, China is committed to work for “ecological civilization.”

A Success Story from China

Instead of modernizing, China should go directly to what we call constructive postmodernism, based on the philosophy of organism, rather than the modernist philosophy of mechanism.

What and When Exxon Knew

ExxonMobil's online defense appeals for confidence in its “scientific and engineering mindset.” It’s because of mindsets like this that we need a new worldview.

Earth Is One. World, Not Yet

Marilyn Hempel on population: "We're still adding about 220,000 people a day. The question is: what will be left, of civil society and of the non-human world, by the time human population finally stops growing."